Yesterday it was sunny in the morning, so I decided to do something that was pending since last October. Prune my raspberry plant that I had planted last year. As I was touching it I dug the soil (as my mum taught me last summer), fed her and tidied it up by moving the bamboo canes to a better position. Now it is ready for the new season. I just need to cover with a nest as soon as the fruits come out to protect them from the birds.
Ontem o dia comecou solarengo. Aproveitei para fazer algo que estava pendente desde Outubro. Pudar a planta da framboesa que plantei no ano passado. E já que que lhe estava a mexer, remexi a terra (como a minha mãe me ensinou no verão passado), alimentei-a e reposicionei as estacas que estavam uma confusao. Agora está prontinha para a nova estaçao, só falta cobrir com uma rede assim que os frutos começarem a crescer, para proteger dos pássaros.
We can already see some leaves coming out.
Já dá para ver algumas folhas a rebentarem.
We have someone here very happy with this plant!!!
Temos aqui alguém muito satisfeito com a presença desta planta!!!
Look! You are becoming a proper british gardener :)
Now you have to help me with my garden as well! I count on this ;)
hugs federica
I will certainly help you with what I know, which is almost nothing ;P.
Não tarda está a dar frutinhos lindos e saborosos!
A rede é mesmo muito importante!
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